Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Fun!

Okay, I have a confession...I've been really bad about doing craft and fun projects with the kids lately.  It seems like I've had so many things to do to prepare for Baby #4 that I've slacked off and just let the kiddos play most days.  I figured it was time to do something fun with them to celebrate Easter, so today we did a few crafts and over the weekend my mom was kind enough to make some cookie dough for the kiddos to cut out some cookies to decorate.  Mom-guilt washed away!

Today we made stained glass Easter eggs to put in our front door windows and a bunny ear headband.  Not too many supplies needed:  contact paper, construction paper, tissue paper, card stock, and a stapler.  For the eggs, I cut out the shape of an egg from construction paper and stuck it on the contact paper.  We already had some tissue paper cut up, so they stuck it on.  You can also have your kids rip it.  To make the bunny ear headbands, I used pink card stock and large white construction paper to make the headband.  My daughter is almost four, so she cut out her ears (and did pretty well!).  For the little guy, I did it all.  Once we were finished, they practiced their hopping and finding some eggs.  

Little Easter Bunnies

Stained glass Easter Eggs

If you're looking for some other activities, one of my favorites is to make glossy Easter eggs.  Cut out an egg on some card stock or poster board.  Add some corn syrup to regular washable paint and it will dry very shiny.  It's so pretty and on my list of things to do later this week.  You can also take some plastic eggs, separate them, and let the kids paint with eggs by stamping.  I also plan on making a bunny puppet with a brown lunch sack.

The kids had a great time yesterday finding eggs that I had hidden around the house.  We like to practice!  After awhile, I had the kids hide them for each other.  Oh the giggles!  You can turn this into a math game by giving them a specific number of eggs to find.  You can also take a Sharpie and put dots on one half of the egg and a corresponding number on the other (use different colors, it is more challenging) and have the kids match them up.

As I mentioned earlier, we made cut-out cookies and decorated them with frosting over the weekend.  The kids got to paint the frosting on and had a blast.  I'll include the recipe that I use to paint the cookies.

Cookie Glaze Frosting

1 cup powdered sugar
2 t. milk
2 t. light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Food coloring of decorating gel

In a small bowl, stir together the powdered sugar and milk until smooth.  Beat in corn syrup and vanilla until icing is smooth and glossy.  If icing is too thick, add more corn syrup (this is always the case for me.  You could add a bit more milk and then corn syrup until it is thin enough to spread).  Separate into bowls and add coloring gel or dye.  Paint them with a brush.

Cutting them out

Painting away!

A finished product!

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