Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"A Day in the Life Of..."

A few years ago I went to an organizational talk at my son's preschool.  I got some great ideas for organizing my "hub" and still use those ideas today.  One of the best suggestions I received at that brief workshop, though, was to create an informational folder in case were are unable to be around because of an emergency or (cringe) in case something happened to us.  It was a wonderful idea, but really common sense.  This is especially true when your kiddos are young and have their routines that must be followed!

Last fall, my husband and I took our first extended vacation just the two of us.  This was the perfect time to gather all of the information and put together my little folder that I affectionately called "The Directions."  While this was necessary for the grandmas to have while we were gone, it has become a wonderful safety net to pull out in case we are away.  

What do you include in this little folder?  Here's a quick rundown of the information I included.  My first page was titled "A Day in the Life of the (Insert Name) Kids."  I went through their daily routine from their typical wake-up time to bedtime.  I made sure to include things such as what special items are taken to bed, what songs are sung, diaper sizes, and approximate meal times.  I also included some of their favorite play activities and specific bedtime routines for each kiddo.  

My next section was titled "Odds and Ends."  This included school times and anything that needed to go to school with them, medicine dosages for each kid, and where medical items were located (i.e. thermometers, bandaids, medicine, etc.).  I also included our health care provider information (doctor, dentist, ER), our insurance information, and what pharmacy we used.  To conclude that page, there was a list of important phone numbers from relatives to neighbors to the school.

This may seem funny, but I included a detailed "TV Instruction" page.  Given the variety of cable choices and additional media sources other than the tv, this was imperative to include for the grandmas! It also worked well for the babysitters.  I included their favorite tv shows and movies, as well as what channels those shows could be found on.

The last section was titled "The Food Guide."  I broke it down by meals and included their favorite foods, as well as how much of certain items (like oatmeal) they typically eat.  I listed snack options, meal options, and a recipe on how to make homemade smoothies, since these are a staple in our home.  Food and kids can be tricky, so the more detailed you can be and more options you can provide for meals, the better.

This may sound like a lot of work or a little over-the-top, but I know how much my kids depend on their routine to get through the day as well as their little quirks that, if addressed, can prevent a major meltdown.  I keep this folder in my "hub" and have it handy to pull out if the need ever arises.  The supplies are simple:  a pocket folder with brads and your typed out instructions!

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