Tuesday, February 26, 2013

March Book LIst

March is just around the corner, so it's time to make the book list!  I'm a little behind on my February reading, so my list this month is a bit shorter than normal.  I am hoping I can sneak in one more book before month's end (or close to it), but time has not been on my side this month.  Too much going on and my planned vacation reading was a bust!

This month I'm picking three fiction books.  While I really enjoy non-fiction, I am up for some light-hearted reading this last month before the new little one makes his or her arrival!  My books left over from February are non-fiction, so I will still get my fill.  These are my choices this month and they are all authors that I have been reading the past few months and come to really enjoy:

The Bungalow by Sarah Jio
Between Sisters by Kristin Hannah
Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin

I am looking forward to reading these books!  I just finished Violets of March by Sarah Jio over the weekend and have really taken to her writing.  They are romance books with some mystery to them and I find myself having a hard time putting them down.  If you haven't checked her books out yet, I would highly recommend them.  They are a quick read!

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