Thursday, September 4, 2014


There's this song on K-Love by Big Daddy Weave called "Overwhelmed."  My interpretation (take it for what it's worth) is someone being overwhelmed by God's love, beauty, and grace.  This song runs through my brain morning, noon, and night and I can't help but feel I'm being spoken to.  Lately my life has been so terribly busy, I am left feeling overwhelmed.  Obviously this is not the true interpretation of the song, but when "I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed by you" runs through your head on repeat, perhaps it's time to listen!

I may have bitten off more than I can chew.  When I committed to our fall PTA fundraiser I had no idea how much time it would involve.  Add in several upcoming engagements for From Cover to Cover, grant writing, and, oh, taking care of my family and house, I am left feeling incredibly overwhelmed by day's end.  It is so hard to unwind and turn off my brain.  I am overwhelmed.

I have had little time to engage in hobbies I love and find relaxing.  Reading, writing, and baking have taken a back seat to donation requests, typing up informational sheets, and writing long, tedious grants.  My screen time is ridiculous right now and I am counting down the days where I can sit back with a good book and relax!  Coincidentally, I have a book on the way called The Best Yes: Making Wise Decision in the Midst of Endless Demands.  The irony is not lost upon me.

Are you overwhelmed?  How do we get ourselves in these predicaments people?!

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